
The Wantagh-Levittown Volunteer Ambulance Corps is dedicated to providing educational opportunities to our community. Our classes provide health and emergency care education programs for groups, businesses, and individuals.

Hands Only CPR

Learn how to save a life!

“Hands Only CPR” is a great way for the community to make a difference. It is easy to learn and there is no mouth-to-mouth breathing involved.

This class teaches the basic skills needed to take action in the event of a cardiac arrest emergency.

Early CPR and the use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) have been shown to greatly increase the chance of survival in victims who experience sudden cardiac arrest. The first few minutes after a person goes into cardiac arrest are the most critical. Bystanders who witness or encounter a person in cardiac arrest are those who can maintain blood flow to vital organs by performing chest compressions which improves a person’s chances of survival.

Hands-Only CPR involves pressing on a cardiac arrest victim’s chest without performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

Narcan Classes

WLVAC offers free New York State Opioid Prevention Program classes. The courses train participants in recognizing opiate overdoses and using Naloxone (Narcan) to reverse the effects of opiates.

Community members who participate can expect to learn, the following:

  • Signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose;
  • Steps in how to respond to an overdose and how to administer naloxone